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简介1.PE和ABS是哪些英语单词的缩写2.初一英语短语总结 急急急!!!3.初一用的英文缩写4.一些英语缩写5.七年级英语有的需要,有的不需要。 1、语言类学科如Chinese,Japanese等代表一个国家语言的学科需要首字母大写。 因为Chinese和English是代表了一种人种或者是一个国家,这种需要大写,类似的还有Spanish(西班牙语)。 2、science(科


2.初一英语短语总结 急急急!!!










PE是 physical education的缩写。

例:On Tuesday, I have math, English, Chinese and PE.在星期二我有数学,英语,语文和体育课。



1、一句话的第一个单词首字母要大写。如:He is my uncle.

2、称呼、职务或头衔的首字母要大写。如:Prof. Zhong

3、人名中的姓和名的首字母都要大写。如:Han Meimei

4、大部分的缩写都需要大写。如:ISO=International Standardization Organization

5、人称代词 I 永远是大写。如:I don't agree with hitting children.

6、专有名词(如国家、地名、朝代和党派等)的(实词)首字母应大写。如:Guangzhou、the People's Republic of China

7、语言、民族或其形容词的首字母大写。如:I have an Italian friend who can speak Chinese fluently.

8、月份、星期、节日的首字母要大写。如:Friday、August、National Day

9、报刊杂志的名称、文章标题的实词首字母要大写。为了突出主题,有时,书刊的标题、章节名称等也可全部用大写字母表示。如:the People's Daily

10、在引用的话语中,句子第一个单词首字母大写。如:"Don't cry," he said softly.


英语 :全写:English language。缩写:EL(:English Language)

数学 :全写:mathsmathics.缩写:MATH

语文 : 全写:Chinese Language。缩写:CL

科学 :全写:Science.缩写:Science

自习 : 全写:self-revision。缩写:目前我还不知道……

美术 :全写:Art and Craft。缩写:Art

音乐 : 全写:Music。缩写:Music

队会 : ————

外教 :————

品德 :Moral Education。缩写:ME


初一英语短语总结 急急急!!!

PE 是体育课的缩写(Physical education)

ABS 的话,就有很多了,“ABS”是个多义词,它可以指ABS[函数], ABS[亚比仕], ABS[资产支持证券], ABS[防抱死刹车系统], ABS[塑料], ABS[美国船级社]。



类型 直充 电池类型 锂电池 指示功能 有指示功能 接口 普通接口 诺基亚8600/ 三星D888/ 摩托V8为特殊型号电压适应范围宽,可用于交流110-220V;


全称Asset-backed security,也叫资产担保证券或资产支撑证券,由银行、信用卡公司或者其他信用提供者的贷款协议或者应收帐款作为担保基础发行的债券或票据。在ABS中可以分为狭义ABS和CDO两类,前者包括信用卡贷款、学生贷款、汽车贷款、设备租赁、消费贷款、房屋资产抵押贷款等为标的资产的证券化产品,后者是近年内迅速发展的以银行贷款为标的资产的证券化产品。






美国船级社是一家总部设于美国得克萨斯州休斯敦的船级社。它成立于1862年,与英国劳艾德船级社(LR)、 挪威船级社(DNV)并称为船级社“三巨头”。美国船级社除了它的美国总部外,在伦敦、迪拜和新加坡还设有地区性总部,并且在70余个国家设有办事处。


单词你要unit 1 and unit 12 给你 如假包换

unit 1

pen pal 笔友 Australia 澳洲

Japan 日本 Canada 加拿大

France 法国 the United States 美国

Singapore 新加坡 the United Kingdom 英国

country 国家 Sydney 悉尼

New York 纽约 Paris 巴黎

Toronto 多伦多 Tokyo 东京

live 住 lauguage 语言

world 世界 in English 用英语

Japanese 日本人 French 法语

any 任何一个 dislike 不喜欢

Jodie 朱迪 Andrew 安德鲁

Lucy 露西 King 金(姓)

Sam 萨姆 Julie 朱丽


rule规则 hallway走廊;过道 classroom教室

fight打架;争吵 Ms女士 outside外面的;在外部的

dining进餐;吃饭 hall大厅;礼堂 have to不得不;必须

else其他的;别的;另外的 sports shoes运动鞋 gym体育馆

Dr医生(缩写) by到---之前;不迟于 wash洗;洗涤

later后来;以后 the Childen's Palace少年宫 notalking不许讲话



Unit 1

1. Where is your pen pal from?

--He’s from Australia.

=Where does your pen pal come from?

-- He comes from Japan.

Where are you from?

--I’m from the United States.

2. Where does she live?

--She lives in Paris.

3. What language does he speak?

--He speaks French.

4. Where is Toronto?

--It’s in Canada.

Unit 2

1.Is there a bank near here (in the neighborhood)?

--Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street.

/ No, there isn’t.

2. Where’s the supermarket?

--It’s across from the post office.

3. Go straight down New Street and turn right.

4. Turn left at Bridge Street.

5. There’s a pay phone on your left.

Unit 3

1. Let’s see the koalas.

--Why do you like koalas

--Because they’re very cute.

2. Why does he like elephants?

--Because they’re kind of interesting.

3. Where’re lions from?

-- They’re from South Africa.

4. What (other) animals do you like.

--I like dolphins.

Unit 4

1. What does she do?/ What’s her job?/What’s she?

--She is a doctor/reporter/bank clerk/waiter…

What do you do? –I’m a shop assistant.

2. Where does she work?

She works in a hospital/TV station/bank/restaurant.

3. What does she want to be ?

-- She wants to be a policewoman.

4. Why does he want to be a policewoman?

--Because it’s an exciting job.

Unit 5

1. What are you doing?—I’m watching TV.

2. What is he/she doing?—He/She is cleaning.

3.What are they doing?-They’re talking on the phone

4. Is Nancy doing homework?

--No, she isn’t. She’s writing a letter.

5. Do you want to go to the movies?

--Yes, I do./Sure./That sounds good.

6. When do you want to go

--Let’s go at 8:00.

7. Where is he eating dinner? (现在进行时)

--He’s eating dinner at home.

8. Where do people play basketball? (一般现在时)

--They play basketball at school.


1. How’s the weather in Fuzhou?

=What’s the weather like in Fuzhou?

---It’s sunny and hot. (windy and cool)

2. How’s it going?

--Pretty good/Great/Not bad/Terrible/Just so-so.

3.What do you do when it’s raining?

--I stay at home and read a book.


1.含义:表示现在正在进行或一段时间正在进行的动作标志词:now, look, listen等。构成:be +V-ing

2.V-ing 变化规则:

1)一般加 ing 如play---playing watch---watching

2)以不发音的e 结尾,去e 加ing. 如: take----taking


母+ing. 如:run----running swim----swimming

3.句式1)肯定句: 主语+be +v-ing+其它.

如: I am reading a book.


如:I am writing.→ I am not writing.

3)一般疑问句及回答:问句,直接把be提前,肯定回答:Yes,主语+be 否定回答: No,主语+be+not

如:Are you drawing ? ---Yes,I am./No, I’m not.


如:What is he doing? Where is he reading books?


unit1 1、be/come from:来自

2、live in Paris:住在巴黎

3、write to me soon:快点给我写信

4、play sports:运动、锻炼

5、speak a little French:讲一点法语

6、like going to the movies with my friends: 喜欢和我的朋友去看**

7、tell sb about...告诉某人关于、、、、、、

8、an interesting country: 一个有趣的国家

9、in November: 在十一月

10、speak a little French: 说一点法语

11、like playing sports:喜欢做运动

12、her favorite language:她最喜欢的语言

13、write to Tom:写信给汤姆

14、Jolie’s pen pal:朱利的笔友

15、likes and dislikes:好恶、爱憎

unit2 1、打扰了Excuse me

2、散步 take a walk

3、玩的开心 have fun

4、向左/右转 turn left/right

5、一个干净又宁静的超市 : clean and quiet supermarket

6、一直走 go straight

7、穿过公园 go through the park

8、在右边 on the right

9、欢迎来中国 Welcome to China

10、参观格林大道 visit Green Street

11、世界之旅的开始 the beginning of the world tour

12、买一些食品 buy some food

13、饭店隔壁 next to the restaurant

14、乘出租车 take/have a taxi / by taxi

15、沿着长街走 go down /along/up Long Street

16、穿过第六大道 go through Sixth Street

17、在新公园右转 turn right at New Park

18、在大桥街 on Bridge Street

19、旅途愉快 have a good trip

20、去学校的路 the way to school

21、邮局:post office

22、公用电话:pay phone

23、第五大街 Five Avenue

24、中心街道 on Center Street

25、靠近… next to

26、在…对面 be across from

27、在…和…之间 between... and....

28、在一个安静/繁忙的街道上on a quiet/busy street

29、在附近 near here=in the neighborhood

30、在你家附近near your home

31、在你的右边 on your right

32、欢迎到…来 welcome to...

33、花园区 the Garden District

34、花园游览the garden tour

35、步行穿过…take a walk through


37、有花园的房子… a house with a garden

38、….的开头 the beginning of...

39、一个玩的高兴的好地方a good palce to have fun

40、在超市买些食buy some food in the supermarket

41、去我家的路 the way to my home

42、一个干净的公园a clean park

43、一条安静的街道a quiet street

44、一家旧旅馆an old hotel

45、一个繁华的超市a busy supermarket

46、三个很脏的房间three very dirty rooms

unit3 1、let sb do sth.让某人做某事:Let him go .让他走吧。

2、kind of=a bit =a little 稍微、有点

3、有点有趣:kind of interesting 4、有点懒:kind of lazy

5、来自南非:be from South Africa

6、对某人友好:be friendly to sb

7、和某人友好相处:be friendly with sb

8、喜欢做某事(习惯性的):like doing sth 9、喜欢做某事(偶尔一次的、未发生的): like to do sth

10、保持安静:be/keep quiet

11、在白天:during/in the day

12、在晚上:at night=in the night

13、每天:every day


15、和朋友一起玩:play with one's friends

16、在白天睡觉:sleep during the day

17、他12岁:He is twelve years old.

18、起床:get up

19、吃叶子:eat leavies

unit4 1、他是干什么的?: What does he do?=what's he?=What's his job?

2、和某人一起工作:work with sb

3、在、、、、、、工做:work at/in.....

4、为、、、、、、工作:work for...

5、给某人某物:give sth to sb=give sb sth

6、从、、、、得到、、、、:get sth from ....

7、穿着白色的制服:wear a white uniform(状态)

8、穿上你的衣服:put on your coat(动作)

9、有点危险:kind of dangerous

10、两个小偷:two thieves

11、和某人交谈:talk to/with sb

12、谈论、、、、、:talk about sb/sth

13、问某人问题:ask sb questions

14、工作得晚:work late

15、做某事迟到:be late for sth.

16、出去就餐:go out to dinners

17、忙碌:be busy

18、忙于做、、、: be busy with sth=be busy doing sth

19、对、、、、、、、感兴趣:be/become interested in....

20、一个有趣的工作:an interesting job

21、努力工作:work hard

22、艰苦的工作:hard work

23、一项适合你的工作:a job for you

24、给你提供一个工作:have a job for you

25、和演员一起工作:work with actors

26、打电话给晚报:call the Evening Newspaper

27、在医院:in/at a hospital

28、很多,许多:a lot of=lots of

29、 想要做……:want to do...

30、招聘广告:want ads

31、其他年轻人:other young people

32、参加校园剧的演出:be in the school play

33、需要一名医生:need a doctor

34、售货员,店员: sales assistant

35、警官:police officer

36、银行职员:bank clerk

37、 害怕,恐怕…: be afraid of

38、电视台:TV station

39、警察局:police station

40、流行歌手:pop singer

41、重要人物;Very Important Person

42、出去:go out

43、校园剧:school play

44、尽可能快地:as soon as possible

45、晚报:evening newspaper

46、数钱:count money

47、有点儿危险:kind of dangerous

48、写故事:write stories

49、运动教练:a sports coach

50、图书管理员:a library assistant

51、在将来:in the future

unit5 1、看电视:watch TV

2、看书: read a book=read books=do some reading


5、看**:go to the movies

6、做家庭作业:do (one's)homework

7、那听起来还不错:That sounds good/nice.

8、写信:write a letter

9、这个电视剧无聊: This TV show is boring/isn't interesting.

10、等候、、、、、:wait for....

11、等候某人做某事:wait for sb to do sth

12、游泳:swim=have a swim=go swimming

13、购物:shop=go shopping=do some shopping

14、在图书馆:in the library

15、 打篮球:play basketball

16、谢谢你的来信:Thanks for your letter.

17、谢谢某人做某事:thanks/thank sb for doing sth

18、在第一张图里:in the first photo

19、一些:some photos

20、在游泳池里游泳:swim at the pool

21、下一张:the next photo

22、在家里:at home

23、和某人在一起:be with sb

24、最后一张:the last photo

25、我的全家福:a photo of my family

26、打电话:talk on the phone

27、我的一些照片:some of my photos

28、电视节目:TV show

29、这是、、、、、:This is....(介绍人用)

unit6 1、今天云南的天气怎么样?:How's the weather in Yunnan today?= What's the weather like in Yunnan today?

2、做晚饭:cook dinnner/supper

3、玩电脑游戏:play computer games

4、你怎么样?(两人见面时)How's it going?

5、相当好:pretty good

6、好天气:fine/nice weather

7、在雨中:in the rain

8、一个有风的晚上:a windy night

9、环球节目:Around The World show


11、阳光明媚的一天:a beautiful,sunny day

12、许多人:many/a lot of /lots of people

13、在度假:on vacation(介词)

14、在度假:take a vacation(动词)

15、多云的:be cloudy

16、刮风的:be windy

17、热的/冷的/温暖的/凉爽的/潮湿的: be hot/cold/warm/cool/humid

18、拍照:take photos=take a photo

19、躺在沙滩上:lie on the beach 正 躺在沙滩上:be lying on the beach

20、一群学生:a group of students

21、这群孩子:this group of children

22、打沙滩排球:play beach volleyball

23、看上去很酷/漂亮/年轻:look cool/beautiful/young

24、惊讶:be surprised +从句

25、惊讶做、、、、:be surprised to do sth

26、对、、、、、感到惊讶:be surprised at....

27、在高温下/在这么热的天:in this heat

28、玩的高兴:have a good time=have fun=enjoy oneself

29、戴围巾:wear scarfs

30、中央电视台世界各地节目: CCTV's Around The World show

31、确实很舒适 :really very relaxed

32、弹吉他:play the guitar



1.short/curly/long/straight hair:短/卷/长/直发

2.medium height/build:中等高度/身材

3.look like:看起来象

4.the captain of the basketball team:篮球队队长

5.be a little bit quiet:有点儿少言寡语

6.stop doing sth.:停止做某事

7.like playing chess :喜欢下棋

8.wear glasses:戴眼镜

9.a pop singer:一个流行歌手

10.a new look:一个新的形象

11.black/brow/blonde hair:黑色/棕色/金**的头发

12.last month:上个月

13.a woman with long black hair:一个有着长长金发的妇女


1.what kind of:哪一种

2.would like sth.:想要某东西

3.a small/medium/large bowl of noodles:小/中/大碗的面条

4.orange juice: 桔子汁

5.green tea:绿茶

6.a dumpling house/House of sumplings:一家饺子店

7.phone number:电话号码

8.tomato soup:西红柿汤


1.do one’s homework:做家庭作业

2.play :踢足球

3.clean one’s room:打扫某人的房间

4.go to the beach:去海滩

5.play tennis:打网球

6.go to the movies:去看**

7.last weekend:上周末

8.do some reading:阅读

9.practice English:练习英语

10.study for the match test:为数学考试准备

11.last week :上周

12.on Saturday morning/ aternoon/ evening/ night:在星期六的早晨/下午/晚上/深夜

13.an interesting talk show:一个有趣的谈话节目

14.go for a walk:去散步

15.a nice day:晴朗的一天

16.play with:与…一起玩

17.a busy weekend:一个繁忙的周末

18.look for:寻找

19.watch a movie:看**

20.It’s time to do sth.:是做某事的时候了


1.visit sb.拜访某人

2.summer camp:夏令营

3.visit museum:参观博物馆

4.on vacation:度假

5.great weather:好天气

6. all day/night/year:整天/夜/年

7.have great fun playing:玩得高兴

8.be crowded:拥挤

9.find sb. doing sth.:发现某人正在做某事

10.be lost:迷路

11.help sb.do sth.:帮助某人做某事

12.make sb. do sth.:使某人做某事

13.be tired:疲倦

14.decide to do sth.:决定做某事

15. The Great Wall:长城


1.talk/game/spors show:谈话/游戏/体育节目

2.soap opera:肥皂剧;连续剧

3.situation comedy/sitcom:情景喜剧

4.don’t mind/like:不介意/喜欢

5.can’t stand:不能容忍

6.think of:认为 7.agree with sb.:同意某人意见

8.in fact:事实上;实际上

9.a thirteen-year-old boy:一个13岁的男孩

10.sports shows:体育节目 11.Animal World:动物世界

12.Tell it like it is!:实话实说

13.Culture China:中国文化

14.Chinese cooking:中国烹饪

15.key ring:钥匙链

16.ask sb. about sth:问某人关于某事

17.colorful clothes:颜色鲜艳的衣服

18. English Today:今日英语

19. Sports News:运动新闻


1.be late for class:上课迟到

2.listen to music:听音乐

3.have to :不得不

4.what else:别的什么

5.sports shoes:运动鞋

6.go out :出去

7.after school/class:放学/下课以后

8.What’s up ?:什么事?

9.chool magizine:校刊

10.I don’t .either.:我也不

11.on school nights:在学生有课的晚上

12.Children’s Palace:少年宫

13.chool/family rules:校/家规

14.make dinner:做饭

15.wear a uniform:穿制服

16.gym class:体育课

17.enjoy nice words about my looks:喜欢赞美自己的话

18.wash the clothes:洗衣服


初一 the beginning of New Year ,用的英文缩写: BONY



ASAP= As soon as possible尽快

BF =Boyfriend 男朋友

BTW= By the way 随便说一下

BBL= Be back later 稍后回来

BRB=Be right back 很快回来

CU= See you 再见

CUL= See you later 下次再会

DIIK= Damned if I known 我真的不知道

DS= Dunce smiley 笨伯

FE= For example 举例

FTF= Face to face 面对面

FYI= For your information 供参考

GF= girlfriend 女朋友

IAE= In any event无论如何

IC= I see 我明白

ILY= I love you 我爱你

IMHO= In my humble opinion 依愚人之见

IMO= In my opinion 依我所见

IOW= In other words 换句话说

LOL= laughing out loudly 大声笑

NRN= No reply necessary 不必回信

OIC= Oh, I see 哦,我知道

PEM= Privacy enhanced mail 保密邮件

RSVP= Reply if you please 请答复

TIA= Thanks in advance 十分感谢

TTUL= Talk to you later 以后再讲

TY= Thank you 谢谢

VG= very good 很好

WRT= With respect to 关于

WYMM= Will you marry me 愿意嫁给我吗

2B or not 2B To Be Or Not To Be

4ever Forever

A/S/L Age/Sex/Location *****

AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned

AFAIK As Far As I Know

AFK Away From Keyboard

AIAMU And I'm A Monkey's Uncle

AISI As I See It

AKA Also Known As

AMBW All My Best Wishes

ANFAWFOWS And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor

AOTS All Of The Sudden

ASAFP As Soon As "Friggin" Possible

ASAP As Soon As Possible *****

ATST At The Same Time

AWGTHTGTTA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again

AYSOS Are You Stupid Or Something

B4 Before

B4N Bye For Now

BBFBBM Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel

BBIAB Be Back In A Bit

BBIAF Be Back In A Few

BBL Be Back Later

BBN Bye Bye Now

BCNU Be Seein' You

BFD Big Fucking Deal

BFN Bye For Now

BHOF Bald Headed Old Fart

BIF Basis In Fact

BITD Back In The Day

BM Byte Me

BMOTA Byte Me On The Ass

BNF Big Name Fan

BOHICA Bend Over Here It Comes Again

BR Bathroom

BRB Be Right Back

BRT Be Right There

BS Big Smile

BT Byte This

BTDT Been There Done That

BTSOOM Beats The Shit Out Of Me

BTW By The Way *****

BTWBO Be There With Bells On

BWDIK But What Do I Know?

BWO Black, White or Other

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CIAO Goodbye (in Italian)

CID Consider It Done

CIO Check It Out

CIS CompuServe Information Service

CMF Count My Fingers

CofS Church of Scientology

CRAFT Can't Remember a Fucking Thing

CRAWS Can't Remember Anything Worth A Shit

CSL Can't Stop Laughing

CTC Choaking The Chicken

CUL8R See You Later

CWYL Chat With You Later

CYA Cover Your Ass

CYL See You Later

DBEYR Don't Believe Everything You Read

DD Due Diligence

DDD Direct Distance Dial

DETI Don't Even Think It

DGT Don't Go There

DHYB Don't Hold Your Breath

DILLIGAD Do I Look Like I Give A Damn

DILLIGAS Do I Look Like I Give A Shit

DKDC Don't Know Don't Care

DLTM Don't Lie To Me

DQYDJ Don't Quit You're Day Job

DRIB Don't Read If Busy

DYSTSOTT Did You See The Size Of That Thing

EG Evil Grin

EOM End Of Message

ESO Equipment Smarter than Operator

F2F Face-to-Face

FBKS Failure Between Keyboard and Seat

FE Fatal Error

FF&PN Fresh Fields and Pastures New

FO Fuck Off ***

FOAF Friend Of A Friend

FTASB Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

FTL Faster Than Light

FTTB For The Time Being

FUBAR Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

FUBB Fucked Up Beyond Belief

FUD (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation

FWIW For What It's Worth

FYA For Your Amusement

FYI For Your Information

FYM For Your Misinformation

GAL Get A Life

GG Good Game or Gotta Go

GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out

GIWIST Gee, I Wish I'd Said That

GL Good Luck

GLYASDI God Loves You And So Do I

GMTA Great Minds Think Alike

GNBLFY Got Nothing But Love For You

GR&D Grinning Running And Ducking

GR8 Great ***

GRRRR "Growling"

GSOAS Go Sit On A Snake

GTG Got To Go *****

GTGB Got To Go, Bye

GTGP Got To Go Pee

GTH Go To Hell

GTSY Glad To See Ya

GYPO Get Your Pants Off

HAGO Have A Good One

HAK Hugs And Kisses

HB Hurry Back

HD Hold

HHO1/2K Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding

HHOK Ha Ha, Only Kidding

HIOOC Help! I'm Out of Coffee

HTH Hope This (That) Helps

HUA Heads Up Ace

HUYA Head Up Your Ass

IAC In Any Case

IAE In Any Event

IANAC I Am Not A Crook

IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer

IBT In Between Technology

IBTD I Beg To Differ

IC In Character

IDGAF I Don't Give A Fuck

IDGI I Don't Get It

IDK I Don't Know

IDKY I Don't Know You

IDST I Didn't Say That

IDTS I Don't Think So

IFAB I Found A Bug ***

IFU I Fucked Up

IGGP I Gotta Go Pee

IIIO Intel Inside, Idiot Outside

IIMAD If It Makes An(y) Difference

IIRC If I Remember Correctly

IIWM If It Were Me

ILICISCOMK I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My Keyboard

ILY I Love You

IMHO In My Humble Opinion

IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion

IMO In My Opinion ***

INMP It's Not My Problem

INPO In No Particular Order

IOH I'm Outta Here

IOW In Other Words

IRL In Real Life

ISS I Said So

ITM In The Money

IYKWIM If You Know What I Mean

IYSS If You Say So

J/C Just Checking

J/K Just Kidding! ***

J/W Just Wondering

JAFO Just Another Fucking Onlooker

KFY Kiss For You

KISS Keep It Simple Stupid

KIT Keep In Touch ***

KMA Kiss My Ass

KWIM Know What I Mean

KYPO Keep Your Pants On

L8R Later

LD Long Distance ***

LDTTWA Let's Do The Time Warp Again

LLTA Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause

LMAO Laughing My Ass Off

LMK Let Me Know

LOL Laughing Out Loud -or- Lots of Luck (or Love) *****

LTIC Laughing 'Til I Cry

LTNS Long Time No See

LYL Love Ya Lots

LYLAS Love You Like A Sister

MHOTY My Hat's Off To You

MM Market Maker

MorF Male or Female? ***

MOTD Message Of The Day

MOTSS Members Of The Same Sex

MTFBWY May The Force Be With You

MWBRL More Will Be Revealed Later

MYOB Mind Your Own Business

NAK Nursing At Keyboard

NAZ Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq)

NBD No Big Deal

NBIF No Basis In Fact

NFI No Fucking Idea

NFW No Fucking Way

NIFOC Nude In Front Of The Computer

NM Never Mind

NMP Not My Problem

NOYB None Of Your Business

NP No Problem ***

NQOCD Not Quite Our Class Dear

NRG Energy ***

NRN No Reply Necessary

NYCFS New York City Finger Saluet

OAUS On An Unrelated Subject

OBTW Oh By The Way

OIC Oh, I see ***

OMDB Over My Dead Body

OMG Oh My Gosh ***

OMIK Open Mouth, Insert Keyboard

ONNA Oh No, Not Again

OOC Out Of Character

OOTB Out Of The Box -or- Out Of The Blue

OT Off Topic

OTOH On the Other Hand

OWTTE Or Words To That Effect

OZ stands for "Australia" ***

PEBCAK Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard

PIMP Peeing In My Pants

PITA Pain In The Ass

PLS Please ***

PMFJI Pardon Me For Jumping In ***

PO Piss Off

POV Point of View

RBTL Read Between The Lines

RL Real Life ***

RLF Real Life Friend

RMLB Read My Lips Baby

RMMM Read My Mail Man!

RN Right Now! ***

ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing

ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off

ROTM Right On The Money

RSN Real Soon Now

RTFM Read The Fucking Manual

RTK Return To Keyboard

RTM Read The Manual ***

RU Are You? ***

SBTA Sorry, Being Thick Again

SH Shit Happens

SITD Still In The Dark

SNAFU Situation Normal, All Fucked Up

SOL Shit Out of Luck

SorG Straight or Gay?

SSDD Same Shit Different Day

STFU Shut The Fuck Up

STM Spank The Monkey

STYS Speak To You Soon

SUYF Shut Up You Fool

SWAG Scientific Wild Ass Guess

SWAK Sent (or Sealed) With A Kiss

SWDYT So What Do You Think?

TAH Take A Hike

TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

TARFU Things Are Really Fucked Up

TDTM Talk Dirty To Me

TEOTWAWKI The End Of The World As We Know It

TFN Thanks For Nothin'

THX or TX or THKS Thanks ***

TIA Thanks In Advance

TIAIL Think I Am In Love

TIC Tongue In Cheek

TLA Three Letter Acronym

TLGO The List Goes On

TM Trust Me

TMI Too Much Information

TMTOWTDI There's More Than One Way To Do It

TPTB The Powers That Be

TSR Totally Stuck in RAM

TTFN Ta Ta For Now

TTT That's The Ticket -or- To The Top

TTYL Talk To You Later

TWHAB This Won't Hurt A Bit

TY Thank You

TYVM Thank You Very Much

unPC unPolitically Correct

URYY4M You Are Too Wise For Me

VFM Value For Money

WAG Wild Ass Guess

WAI What An Idiot

WB Welcome Back *****

WCA Who Cares Anyway

WDYS What Did You Say?

WDYT What Do You Think?

WE Whatever

WEG Wicked Evil Grin

WG Wicked Grin

WGAFF Who Gives A Flying Fuck

WIIFM What's In It For Me?

WIT Wordsmith In Training

WITFITS What in the Fuck is this Shit

WOG Wise Old Guy

WRT With Regard To

WTF What The Fuck

WTG Way To Go!

WTSDS Where The Sun Don't Shine

WYP What's Your Problem?

WYRN What's Your Real Name?

WYS Whatever You Say

WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get ***

WYT Whatever You Think

YA Yet Another

YA yaya Yet Another Ya-Ya (as in yo-yo)

YAFIYGI You Asked For It You Got It

YDKM You Don't Know Me

YGBK You Gotta Be Kiddin'

YMMV Your Mileage May Vary

YNK You Never Know

YOYO You're On Your Own

YR Yeah Right

YSYD Yeah, Sure You Do



unit 1

pen pal 笔友 Australia 澳洲

Japan 日本 Canada 加拿大

France 法国 the United States 美国

Singapore 新加坡 the United Kingdom 英国

country 国家 Sydney 悉尼

New York 纽约 Paris 巴黎

Toronto 多伦多 Tokyo 东京

live 住 lauguage 语言

world 世界 in English 用英语

Japanese 日本人 French 法语

any 任何一个 dislike 不喜欢

Jodie 朱迪 Andrew 安德鲁

Lucy 露西 King 金(姓)

Sam 萨姆 Julie 朱丽


rule规则 hallway走廊;过道 classroom教室

fight打架;争吵 Ms女士 outside外面的;在外部的

dining进餐;吃饭 hall大厅;礼堂 have to不得不;必须

else其他的;别的;另外的 sports shoes运动鞋 gym体育馆

Dr医生(缩写) by到---之前;不迟于 wash洗;洗涤

later后来;以后 the Childen's Palace少年宫 notalking不许讲话



Unit 1

1. Where is your pen pal from?

--He’s from Australia.

=Where does your pen pal come from?

-- He comes from Japan.

Where are you from?

--I’m from the United States.

2. Where does she live?

--She lives in Paris.

3. What language does he speak?

--He speaks French.

4. Where is Toronto?

--It’s in Canada.

Unit 2

1.Is there a bank near here (in the neighborhood)?

--Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street.

/ No, there isn’t.

2. Where’s the supermarket?

--It’s across from the post office.

3. Go straight down New Street and turn right.

4. Turn left at Bridge Street.

5. There’s a pay phone on your left.

Unit 3

1. Let’s see the koalas.

--Why do you like koalas

--Because they’re very cute.

2. Why does he like elephants?

--Because they’re kind of interesting.

3. Where’re lions from?

-- They’re from South Africa.

4. What (other) animals do you like.

--I like dolphins.

Unit 4

1. What does she do?/ What’s her job?/What’s she?

--She is a doctor/reporter/bank clerk/waiter…

What do you do? –I’m a shop assistant.

2. Where does she work?

She works in a hospital/TV station/bank/restaurant.

3. What does she want to be ?

-- She wants to be a policewoman.

4. Why does he want to be a policewoman?

--Because it’s an exciting job.

Unit 5

1. What are you doing?—I’m watching TV.

2. What is he/she doing?—He/She is cleaning.

3.What are they doing?-They’re talking on the phone

4. Is Nancy doing homework?

--No, she isn’t. She’s writing a letter.

5. Do you want to go to the movies?

--Yes, I do./Sure./That sounds good.

6. When do you want to go

--Let’s go at 8:00.

7. Where is he eating dinner? (现在进行时)

--He’s eating dinner at home.

8. Where do people play basketball? (一般现在时)

--They play basketball at school.


1. How’s the weather in Fuzhou?

=What’s the weather like in Fuzhou?

---It’s sunny and hot. (windy and cool)

2. How’s it going?

--Pretty good/Great/Not bad/Terrible/Just so-so.

3.What do you do when it’s raining?

--I stay at home and read a book.


1.含义:表示现在正在进行或一段时间正在进行的动作标志词:now, look, listen等。构成:be +V-ing

2.V-ing 变化规则:

1)一般加 ing 如play---playing watch---watching

2)以不发音的e 结尾,去e 加ing. 如: take----taking


母+ing. 如:run----running swim----swimming

3.句式1)肯定句: 主语+be +v-ing+其它.

如: I am reading a book.


如:I am writing.→ I am not writing.

3)一般疑问句及回答:问句,直接把be提前,肯定回答:Yes,主语+be 否定回答: No,主语+be+not

如:Are you drawing ? ---Yes,I am./No, I’m not.


如:What is he doing? Where is he reading books?


unit1 1、be/come from:来自

2、live in Paris:住在巴黎

3、write to me soon:快点给我写信

4、play sports:运动、锻炼

5、speak a little French:讲一点法语

6、like going to the movies with my friends: 喜欢和我的朋友去看**

7、tell sb about...告诉某人关于、、、、、、

8、an interesting country: 一个有趣的国家

9、in November: 在十一月

10、speak a little French: 说一点法语

11、like playing sports:喜欢做运动

12、her favorite language:她最喜欢的语言

13、write to Tom:写信给汤姆

14、Jolie’s pen pal:朱利的笔友

15、likes and dislikes:好恶、爱憎

unit2 1、打扰了Excuse me

2、散步 take a walk

3、玩的开心 have fun

4、向左/右转 turn left/right

5、一个干净又宁静的超市 : clean and quiet supermarket

6、一直走 go straight

7、穿过公园 go through the park

8、在右边 on the right

9、欢迎来中国 Welcome to China

10、参观格林大道 visit Green Street

11、世界之旅的开始 the beginning of the world tour

12、买一些食品 buy some food

13、饭店隔壁 next to the restaurant

14、乘出租车 take/have a taxi / by taxi

15、沿着长街走 go down /along/up Long Street

16、穿过第六大道 go through Sixth Street

17、在新公园右转 turn right at New Park

18、在大桥街 on Bridge Street

19、旅途愉快 have a good trip

20、去学校的路 the way to school

21、邮局:post office

22、公用电话:pay phone

23、第五大街 Five Avenue

24、中心街道 on Center Street

25、靠近… next to

26、在…对面 be across from

27、在…和…之间 between... and....

28、在一个安静/繁忙的街道上on a quiet/busy street

29、在附近 near here=in the neighborhood

30、在你家附近near your home

31、在你的右边 on your right

32、欢迎到…来 welcome to...

33、花园区 the Garden District

34、花园游览the garden tour

35、步行穿过…take a walk through


37、有花园的房子… a house with a garden

38、….的开头 the beginning of...

39、一个玩的高兴的好地方a good palce to have fun

40、在超市买些食buy some food in the supermarket

41、去我家的路 the way to my home

42、一个干净的公园a clean park

43、一条安静的街道a quiet street

44、一家旧旅馆an old hotel

45、一个繁华的超市a busy supermarket

46、三个很脏的房间three very dirty rooms

unit3 1、let sb do sth.让某人做某事:Let him go .让他走吧。

2、kind of=a bit =a little 稍微、有点

3、有点有趣:kind of interesting 4、有点懒:kind of lazy

5、来自南非:be from South Africa

6、对某人友好:be friendly to sb

7、和某人友好相处:be friendly with sb

8、喜欢做某事(习惯性的):like doing sth 9、喜欢做某事(偶尔一次的、未发生的): like to do sth

10、保持安静:be/keep quiet

11、在白天:during/in the day

12、在晚上:at night=in the night

13、每天:every day


15、和朋友一起玩:play with one's friends

16、在白天睡觉:sleep during the day

17、他12岁:He is twelve years old.

18、起床:get up

19、吃叶子:eat leavies

unit4 1、他是干什么的?: What does he do?=what's he?=What's his job?

2、和某人一起工作:work with sb

3、在、、、、、、工做:work at/in.....

4、为、、、、、、工作:work for...

5、给某人某物:give sth to sb=give sb sth

6、从、、、、得到、、、、:get sth from ....

7、穿着白色的制服:wear a white uniform(状态)

8、穿上你的衣服:put on your coat(动作)

9、有点危险:kind of dangerous

10、两个小偷:two thieves

11、和某人交谈:talk to/with sb

12、谈论、、、、、:talk about sb/sth

13、问某人问题:ask sb questions

14、工作得晚:work late

15、做某事迟到:be late for sth.

16、出去就餐:go out to dinners

17、忙碌:be busy

18、忙于做、、、: be busy with sth=be busy doing sth

19、对、、、、、、、感兴趣:be/become interested in....

20、一个有趣的工作:an interesting job

21、努力工作:work hard

22、艰苦的工作:hard work

23、一项适合你的工作:a job for you

24、给你提供一个工作:have a job for you

25、和演员一起工作:work with actors

26、打电话给晚报:call the Evening Newspaper

27、在医院:in/at a hospital

28、很多,许多:a lot of=lots of

29、 想要做……:want to do...

30、招聘广告:want ads

31、其他年轻人:other young people

32、参加校园剧的演出:be in the school play

33、需要一名医生:need a doctor

34、售货员,店员: sales assistant

35、警官:police officer

36、银行职员:bank clerk

37、 害怕,恐怕…: be afraid of

38、电视台:TV station

39、警察局:police station

40、流行歌手:pop singer

41、重要人物;Very Important Person

42、出去:go out

43、校园剧:school play

44、尽可能快地:as soon as possible

45、晚报:evening newspaper

46、数钱:count money

47、有点儿危险:kind of dangerous

48、写故事:write stories

49、运动教练:a sports coach

50、图书管理员:a library assistant

51、在将来:in the future

unit5 1、看电视:watch TV

2、看书: read a book=read books=do some reading


5、看**:go to the movies

6、做家庭作业:do (one's)homework

7、那听起来还不错:That sounds good/nice.

8、写信:write a letter

9、这个电视剧无聊: This TV show is boring/isn't interesting.

10、等候、、、、、:wait for....

11、等候某人做某事:wait for sb to do sth

12、游泳:swim=have a swim=go swimming

13、购物:shop=go shopping=do some shopping

14、在图书馆:in the library

15、 打篮球:play basketball

16、谢谢你的来信:Thanks for your letter.

17、谢谢某人做某事:thanks/thank sb for doing sth

18、在第一张图里:in the first photo

19、一些:some photos

20、在游泳池里游泳:swim at the pool

21、下一张:the next photo

22、在家里:at home

23、和某人在一起:be with sb

24、最后一张:the last photo

25、我的全家福:a photo of my family

26、打电话:talk on the phone

27、我的一些照片:some of my photos

28、电视节目:TV show

29、这是、、、、、:This is....(介绍人用)

unit6 1、今天云南的天气怎么样?:How's the weather in Yunnan today?= What's the weather like in Yunnan today?

2、做晚饭:cook dinnner/supper

3、玩电脑游戏:play computer games

4、你怎么样?(两人见面时)How's it going?

5、相当好:pretty good

6、好天气:fine/nice weather

7、在雨中:in the rain

8、一个有风的晚上:a windy night

9、环球节目:Around The World show


11、阳光明媚的一天:a beautiful,sunny day

12、许多人:many/a lot of /lots of people

13、在度假:on vacation(介词)

14、在度假:take a vacation(动词)

15、多云的:be cloudy

16、刮风的:be windy

17、热的/冷的/温暖的/凉爽的/潮湿的: be hot/cold/warm/cool/humid

18、拍照:take photos=take a photo

19、躺在沙滩上:lie on the beach 正 躺在沙滩上:be lying on the beach

20、一群学生:a group of students

21、这群孩子:this group of children

22、打沙滩排球:play beach volleyball

23、看上去很酷/漂亮/年轻:look cool/beautiful/young

24、惊讶:be surprised +从句

25、惊讶做、、、、:be surprised to do sth

26、对、、、、、感到惊讶:be surprised at....

27、在高温下/在这么热的天:in this heat

28、玩的高兴:have a good time=have fun=enjoy oneself

29、戴围巾:wear scarfs

30、中央电视台世界各地节目: CCTV's Around The World show

31、确实很舒适 :really very relaxed

32、弹吉他:play the guitar



1.short/curly/long/straight hair:短/卷/长/直发

2.medium height/build:中等高度/身材

3.look like:看起来象

4.the captain of the basketball team:篮球队队长

5.be a little bit quiet:有点儿少言寡语

6.stop doing sth.:停止做某事

7.like playing chess :喜欢下棋

8.wear glasses:戴眼镜

9.a pop singer:一个流行歌手

10.a new look:一个新的形象

11.black/brow/blonde hair:黑色/棕色/金**的头发

12.last month:上个月

13.a woman with long black hair:一个有着长长金发的妇女


1.what kind of:哪一种

2.would like sth.:想要某东西

3.a small/medium/large bowl of noodles:小/中/大碗的面条

4.orange juice: 桔子汁

5.green tea:绿茶

6.a dumpling house/House of sumplings:一家饺子店

7.phone number:电话号码

8.tomato soup:西红柿汤


1.do one’s homework:做家庭作业

2.play :踢足球

3.clean one’s room:打扫某人的房间

4.go to the beach:去海滩

5.play tennis:打网球

6.go to the movies:去看**

7.last weekend:上周末

8.do some reading:阅读

9.practice English:练习英语

10.study for the match test:为数学考试准备

11.last week :上周

12.on Saturday morning/ aternoon/ evening/ night:在星期六的早晨/下午/晚上/深夜

13.an interesting talk show:一个有趣的谈话节目

14.go for a walk:去散步

15.a nice day:晴朗的一天

16.play with:与…一起玩

17.a busy weekend:一个繁忙的周末

18.look for:寻找

19.watch a movie:看**

20.It’s time to do sth.:是做某事的时候了


1.visit sb.拜访某人

2.summer camp:夏令营

3.visit museum:参观博物馆

4.on vacation:度假

5.great weather:好天气

6. all day/night/year:整天/夜/年

7.have great fun playing:玩得高兴

8.be crowded:拥挤

9.find sb. doing sth.:发现某人正在做某事

10.be lost:迷路

11.help sb.do sth.:帮助某人做某事

12.make sb. do sth.:使某人做某事

13.be tired:疲倦

14.decide to do sth.:决定做某事

15. The Great Wall:长城


1.talk/game/spors show:谈话/游戏/体育节目

2.soap opera:肥皂剧;连续剧

3.situation comedy/sitcom:情景喜剧

4.don’t mind/like:不介意/喜欢

5.can’t stand:不能容忍

6.think of:认为 7.agree with sb.:同意某人意见

8.in fact:事实上;实际上

9.a thirteen-year-old boy:一个13岁的男孩

10.sports shows:体育节目 11.Animal World:动物世界

12.Tell it like it is!:实话实说

13.Culture China:中国文化

14.Chinese cooking:中国烹饪

15.key ring:钥匙链

16.ask sb. about sth:问某人关于某事

17.colorful clothes:颜色鲜艳的衣服

18. English Today:今日英语

19. Sports News:运动新闻


1.be late for class:上课迟到

2.listen to music:听音乐

3.have to :不得不

4.what else:别的什么

5.sports shoes:运动鞋

6.go out :出去

7.after school/class:放学/下课以后

8.What’s up ?:什么事?

9.chool magizine:校刊

10.I don’t .either.:我也不

11.on school nights:在学生有课的晚上

12.Children’s Palace:少年宫

13.chool/family rules:校/家规

14.make dinner:做饭

15.wear a uniform:穿制服

16.gym class:体育课

17.enjoy nice words about my looks:喜欢赞美自己的话

18.wash the clothes:洗衣服