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tamoadmin 2024-08-04 人已围观

简介1.英语翻译您好 翻译为:B-61战术核的内部运载核武器于2024年在4B区到达/实施。讲解如下:整个句子通过2024年可以看出这是一个将来好的。其中B-61战术核简称B61核弹,是指用于支援陆、海、空战场作战,打击敌方战役战术纵深内重要目标的核武器,是美国核武库的重要组成部分。Nuclear weapons的意思则为核武器。望纳 谢谢英语翻译15-20 years, human society



您好 翻译为:





Nuclear weapons的意思则为核武器。

望纳 谢谢


15-20 years, human society will be like? Technology workers in South Korea, then mankind will enter the era of disease and longevity, will be able to trel freely to the universe. Human life will undergo drastic changes. This is South Korea's National Science and Technology Committee from August 2003 to February this year. survey of nearly 5,000 technology workers he come to the forecast. The Commission's "Science and Technology Forecast Report 2005-2030," portrays the life of a future society View. The report said that taking into account the current rate of technological development. 2020 mankind will be able to develop micro-vascular cleaning robot, regular cleaning of the waste vessel. and the failure to carry out the internal organs and repair cells. In addition, heart and lung defects, and if the kidneys and other organs, Many animals, such as monkeys or pigs will be able to grow human organs to be transplanted. Moreover, mankind will be able to predict in advance how much each person will he any illness, disease and eliminate its causes. In this way, humanity will be given the grace to disease and longevity. Elsewhere, the report also predicted that the automotive technology will be a qualitative change. In 2014 to about hydrogen as a fuel for electric cars will be substantial popularity. Around 2025, mankind will be able to over 100 km to the universe of space trel. Around 2024, and will build the universe inhabited city in 2027, International human universe factory building will be on the moon.

明天,艾琳娜将庆祝她的第17个生日.她是一个十几岁有着璀璨的未来的孩子.她生活在一个幸福,健康的位于欧洲郊区的一个家庭中.她的家长确保她能获得良好的饮食, 医疗保健以及教育.明年,她将去念上学.由于这些因素,一些科学家预测艾琳娜的寿命是87年 。

但其他科学家却不赞同,他们预测艾琳娜莫将生活直到3256年!怎么可能?想像,这是2024年,艾琳娜现在是一个成功的律师.一天上午,她阅读了一篇文章在报纸上一个令人难以置信的新实验。科学家们已经成功地改变老鼠的DNA 以预测它的寿命.在2010年,这一消息将改变社会.人们将认识到,科学可以作任何事情。


科学家们计算,人要活的平均1200年.不幸的是,事故仍然在发生.在 3256 ,仍然有年轻人将不幸死在中.但她将至少会享受到一个非常,非常长的幸福的生活。

根据许多科学家,这个故事是不是科幻,而是“科学事实。 ”如果科学知识继续快速发展,所有这一切都将是可能。然而这是一件好事吗?而你又是否想长命百岁?